Help Save Lives!

No matter how big or small, every donation counts.

We are grateful for you support and the impact you helped make in 2024. Here are the key takeaways from last year’s impact:

  • 647 mothers with 1,321 children received Exodus Project Rent/Utility deposit Grants to secure permanent housing.
  • 712 Children received trauma-informed counseling.
  • 117 mothers were reunited with their children.
  • 231 mothers we helped secure permanent housing were homeless for over 7 months.

Please join us in the fight to save homeless abuse victims and their children.  Your generous support helps provide life-saving resources including rent/utility deposit, household furnishings, food and clothing. Thank you for your support!

lives are being changed

You Saved My Life!

After nearly 24 years of torture, I finally got the courage to leave. Without the Exodus Grant I would not have been able to save my 3 beautful children. God bless you!

Ellen / Survivor

My Angel!

I cannot tell you enough how grateful I am for what you have done. Thanks to you my children and I are now safe in a new home with everything we needed to make a fresh start. Grateful!

Tracy / Survivor

Thank You, Thank You!

There is a God! I had no idea how hard it would be to escape my abuser. You saved our lives. I’m still in tears. Thank you for the plane tickets for my 4 children and I! I honestly believe we would have been killed had we not left when when we did.

Monica / Survivor